Recent Works Gallery

For the past few years I have been involved with various things other than carving concrete. One exception is the carved planting enclosures and steps below, and a flurry of activity making some medium and small planters in 2019. Otherwise I and have spent very little time in the studio and most of my opportunities to make anything has been during the workshops. Recently I have started to produce some new work and intend to do more during the winter of 2023 – 24.

2_wraps_sm_pink_triangles_cblbkwzc (64K)buff_groove_pair_mcblbkwz (57K)

The piece below is typical of a demonstration piece from a workshop.
Years ago I was teaching at the Chicago Botanic Gardens and a man from Boston flew in to take my workshop. At the time The Botanic Gardens had some complementary rooms at the Marriott Hotel close by and that is where we each were staying. We would have breakfast together and ride to the workshop.
He had carved a couple of dozen things on his own before the workshop and was eager to learn more about the technique. The last day we were having breakfast together and I asked him, "Well, what did you learn?" He replied that, "Before I always thought that I was finished after making a piece. But I now see that there was a lot more refinement that was needed to bring the work to its completion."
When I first started carving I was not aware of this push for refinement or even how to achieve it. I was delighted with most everything I was making because even without a polished surface everything still looked good. Slowly through the years I paid more attention to detail and surface quality and discovered how to consistently get the best in the endeavor. Anyone taking the workshop will learn how to achieve this in their creation.

  2022_wichita-demo_v1_mzblbkwz (10K) 2022_wichita-demo_v2_mzblbkwz (9K) 2022_wichita-demo_v3_mzblbkwz (9K) 2022_wichita-demo_v4_mzblbkwz (9K)  
med_rect_wrap_cblbkwz (9K) 2leg_3hole_7_cblbkwz (92K) med_pink_poly-cubic_legged_mcblbkwz (13K) tree pot 11_mzblbkwz (8K) sea_grass_planter_2_bl-gr_mcblbkwz (78K)
  Medium Rectangular Wrap
8in w × 13in l × 15in h – 58lbs.
July 27, 2019
2 leg 3 hole #7
5.5in w × 10.75in l × 12in h – 23lbs.
Aug 9, 2019
Medium Pink Poly-cubic Legged
7.25in 3 × 12in l × 11in h – 47lbs
July 29, 2019
Tree Pot #11
11.25in d × 14.25in h – 49lbs.
august 4, 2019
Sea Grass Planter #2
10.5in d × 16.5in h – 53lbs.
August 12, 2019
  pedestal_8_v1_9.5in_d_x_43.25in_h (15K) pedestal_8_v2_2023-9-9_118lbs (15K) pedestal_8_v3 (15K) pedestal_8_v4 (15K) pedestal_8_v5 (15K)  
  Pedestal #8
9.5in d × 43.25in h – 118 lbs.
September 9, 2023
  huntwork_v1_9in_w_x_15in_l_x_6in_h (11K) huntwork_v2_6-26-2021_24lbs (9K) huntwork_v3 (9K) huntwork_v4 (8K)  
  Double Wrap Point
9in w × 15in l × 6in h – 24 lbs.
June 26, 2021
  seattlepot_v1_16in_l_x_8in_w_x_15in_h (19K) seattlepot_v2_2021-7-14_41lbs (14K) seattlepot_v3 (20K) seattlepot_v4 (14K)  
  Seattle Planter
16in l × 15 h × 8in w – 41 lbs.
July 14, 2021
  fwbdem_v1_10in_d_x_14in_h (12K) fwbdem_v2_6-4-2022_40lbs (12K) fwbdem_v3 (12K) fwbdem_v4 (12K)  
  Buff Glyph Wrap
10in d × 14in h – 40 lbs.
June 4, 2022
  large_glyph_v1_17in_d_x_19in_h (21K) large_glyph_v2_2023-9-22_159lbs (21K) large_glyph_v3 (19K) large_glyph_v4 (20K)  
  Large Glyph
17in d × 19in h – 159 lbs.
September 22, 2023
  2019-10_front_steps_2_mcwz (86K) tall_zigzag_v2_2023-9-9_173lbs (18K) tall_zigzag_v2_2023-9-9_173lbs (18K) 
 2019-10_front_steps_1_mcwz (90K)  
  Sandpudding Studio – steps and planting beds carved in place around the front porch October 2019. Tall Zig-zag Planter
16in d × 26.25in h – 173 lbs.
September 9, 2023
Contents | Sandpudding Studio
Planters | Large Works | Sculpture | Steps
Artist Statement | Resumé | Wet Carved Concrete | Two Dimensional Gallery
Workshop ScheduleWorkshop ProcedurePast WorkshopsWorkshop Pictures

All images property of Elder G. Jones ©. Any commercial use of images beyond this site is by permission only. Copyright on the design and particular styles of all work herein is established at the stated time of creation. Individuals are free to recreate any of these pieces for personal use.